Mastering Leadership and Negotiation for Effective Change Management - April 2025
This program occurs on the Fisher College of Business Campus from April 28-29, 2025. The registration deadline is April 14, 2025. Use the code EARLYBIRD25NEGOTIATION at checkout by March 31, 2025 to receive the $100 early bird discount.
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What do effective leaders of change and keen negotiators have in common? They are catalysts. They know that pushing harder or providing more information will not change people’s minds or behaviors. Instead, they try to understand others’ motivation, values, and day-to-day challenges, earning trust and credibility. They are better able to articulate high priority objectives or changes, resolve conflict confidently and influence new behaviors or decisions.
For example, entrepreneurs not only need to set new vision for investors and employees, they also have to negotiate agreements with suppliers, customers, and even employees while developing trust and credibility. Business leaders within an organization need to ensure that their teams understand the value of a specific change as well as how to negotiate with peers and teams how to reprioritize or reallocate resources. Aspirational leaders need to learn how to inspire as well as how to confidently negotiate pay raises, new working arrangements, or new work assignments.
Change Leadership and negotiation go hand-in-hand. Participate in our 2-day, on-campus program, to fine-tune your ability to lead through change.
This program is designed for individuals who aim to improve their ability to work collaboratively with others and who are tasked with leading individuals and teams toward the accomplishment of needed change in work groups and organizations. Those who are relatively new to leadership roles, as well as those who have held leadership positions for several years, will develop the skills that set apart the “high flyers” in any organization.